Philippe Karamian
18 V. Salnikov, D. Choï, P. Karamian-Surville, Computation of effective electrical conductivity of composite materials: A novel approach based on analysis of graphs. Composites Structures 189, 2018, 661-666, DOI:10.1016/j2018.02.012
17 P. Karamian-Surville, The refraction phenomenon of singularities in thin elastic shells with developable mid-surface in presence of rigid folds: Case of parabolic shells, In European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids. January-February 2016 55:12-34 Language: English.\\ DOI: 10.1016/j.euromechsol.2015.07.007.
16 V. Salnikov, S. Lemaitre, D. Choï, P. Karamian-Surville, Measure of combined effects of morphological parameters of inclusions within composite materials via stochastic homogenization to determine effective mechanical properties. Composite Structures 129, 2015, 122-131,\\ DOI:10.1016/j.compstruct.2015.03.076.
15 W. Leclerc, P. Karamian-Surville, A. Vivet, An efficient and automated 3D FE approach to evaluate effective elastic properties of overlapping random fibre composites. Computational Materials Science. Volume 99, 1-15, 2015\\ DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2014.10.047.
14 V. Salnikov, D. Choï, P. Karamian-Surville, On efficient and reliable stochastic generation of RVEs for analysis of composites within the framework of homogenization. Computational Mechanics, 2015, DOI 10.1007/s00466-014-1086-1.
13 W. Leclerc, P. Karamian-Surville, A. Vivet, Influence of morphological parameters of a 2D random short fibre composite on its effective elastic properties. Mechanics & Industry, Volume 14, Issue 05, 361-365, 2013.
12 W. Leclerc, P. Karamian-Surville, Effects of fibre dispersion on the effective elastic properties of 2D overlapping random fibre composites. Computational Materials Science, Volume 79, 674-683, 2013.
11 W. Leclerc, P. Karamian-Surville, Domain
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10 W. Leclerc, P. Karamian-Surville , A. Vivet, An efficient stochastic and double-scale model to evaluate the effective elastic properties of 2D overlapping random fibre composites. Computational Materials Science. Volume 69, 481-493, 2013.
9 W. Leclerc, P. Karamian-Surville, A. Vivet, A.
Campbell, Numerical evaluation of the effective elastic properties
of 2D overlapping random fibre composites. Tech.
Mech. 32, 358-368, 2012.
8 P. Karamian-Surville, J. Sanchez-Hubert,
É. Sanchez Palencia, Pseudo-reflection phenomena for singularities
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P. Karamian-Surville, J. Sanchez-Hubert, É. Sanchez
Palencia, Non-smoothness in the asymptotics thin shells and
propagation of singularities. Hyperbolic case. International
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vol.12, $N^01$, 81-90, 2002.
6 P. Karamian-Surville,
J. Sanchez-Hubert, É. Sanchez Palencia, Propagation of
singularities and structure of layers in shells: Hyperbolic case.
Computers and Structures, Volume 80, Issues 9–10,
747-768, 2002.
5 P. Karamian-Surville, J.
Sanchez-Hubert, Boundary layers in thin elastic shells with
developable middle surface. European Journal of Mechanics -
A/Solids, Volume 21, Issue 1, 13-47, 2002.
4 P.
Karamian-Surville, Numerical experiments on propagation of
singularities across an edge in thin parabolic shells. Comptes
Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Série IIb, Volume 329,
Issue 1, pp 75-79, 2001
3 P. Karamian-Surville,
J. Sanchez-Hubert, É. Sanchez Palencia, A model problem for
boundary layers of thin elastic shells. Mathematical
Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 34, Issue 1, 1-30,
2 P. Karamian, Nouveaux résultats
numériques concernant les coques minces hyperboliques inhibées:
cas du paraboloïde hyperbolique. Comptes
Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Series IIb,
Volume 326, Issue 11, 755-760, 1998.
1 P. Karamian-Surville, Réflexion des singularités dans les coques hyperboliques inhibées. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Series IIb, Volume 326, Issue 10, Pages 609-614, 1998.
1 A Phantom Domain Finite Element Method for composite materials. Part 1.
2 Phantom Domain Finite Element Method for composite materials. Part 2.
1 The refraction phenomenon of
singularities in thin elastic shells with hyperbolic mid-surface in
presence of rigid folds:
1. Congrès calcul des structures et modélisation, GIENS, 1997
2. Congrès calcul des structures et modélisation, GIENS, 1999
3. Congrès Français de Mécanique, Nice, 2003
4. Third M.I.T. conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics , Boston, 2005
5 Colloque EDP, 2010
6 Congrès calcul des structures et modélisation, GIENS, 2011
7 Journée de la fédération normande, 2011
8 Congrès Français de Mécanique, Besançon, 2011
9 2nd International Conference on Material Modelling (ICMM2), Paris, 2011
10 Domain Decomposition XXI (DD21), Rennes, 2012
11 International Conference on Mechanics of Nano, Micro and Macro Composite Structures, Turin, 2012
12 8th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC), Graz, 2012
13 21st International Conference on Composites/Nano engineering (ICCE), Pékin, 2012
14 European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS), Vienne, 2012
15 Congrès calcul des structures et modélisation, GIENS, 2013
16 International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 18) Lisbon, 2015
17 Congrès calcul des structures et modélisation, GIENS, 2015